INDOTEAK DESIGN: 100% Reclaimed Teak Paneling

March 25, 2019
By Ken


Paneling, siding, shiplap block cladding and boat wood…whatever you all it, we make it out of our 100%  reclaimed teak wood. Recycled from old buildings that have been slated for demolition in Indonesia, we buy the old timbers and recycle them into luxurious home goods materials. While reclaimed wood is often spoken about, many do not know exactly how or where it comes from.



Our reclaimed teak has a long history. The buildings that we source were once made of teak are on average, 100 years old. Thats a century of them standing up to the brutal elements of Indonesia. Oppressive heat, moisture and sun baking on it day after day create a patina and strength like no other. But thats not the whole story.

You have to go back 100 years to when the teak wood was harvested. At that time, there were no plantations, it was just wild old growth teak forests. That means those trees were ancient. 200-500 years old at least. Thats something that doesn’t exist anymore, not for logging anyway.

That means this reclaimed teak is 200-300 years old. There is no stronger, straighter, or more durable teak in the world. Compare that to all the other teak you can buy that comes from plantations that are 15 years old. That teak is young, weak and susceptible to warping. So the next time someone thinks that old growth reclaimed teak is the same as plantation teak, you can help correct them with that false information.

After we purchase the reclaimed teak we send the timbers to our factory in Java where each piece is hand sorted into categories of lengths, widths and patinas. When then go through each piece by hand, cutting, sanding, patching and finishing each board for our clients order. No wood is wasted. That is why we created our tile program and also use the smaller pieces in our flooring substrate. We understand how precious this resource is and we do our best to be the best steward of it as possible.


Besides our flooring, tile, plywood and decking offerings, our paneling section is one of our most popular for our clients. With distinct differences in construction, sizes, weight, and patinas, our paneling is the perfect fit for any home or business. From boat wood to barn wood. Ship lap to T&G, or paneling & siding are some of the most spectacular you will see.

Our spectacular barn wood features a stunning patina that is aged and made beautiful after decades in the elements. It’s a look that cannot be recreated in any other environment and also because teak has unique qualities of high silica and oil content, the wood stands up to moisture and termites like no other.

After we utilize this exterior patina from the timber, the layers underneath become our smooth paneling and siding as shown in the photograph to the left. This stunning look of our sand smooth paneling is not only gorgeous, but very easy to install. Available in ship lap or T&G construction, this paneling can be used for walls, ceilings and soffits. Some clients have even used it as flooring.



Our boat wood is also a special item as it actually comes from boats in Indonesia. Many boat wood offerings are far from it and are actually made to replicate real boat wood. Our comes in two colors, aqua and multi-colored. Brand like Whole Foods have used our boat wood for their in-store displays throughout the United States.

The added value of our products, besides the stunning beauty of course, is that these products are created with saving the earth. We do not cut down any forests for our wood, we only recycle and reclaim. Why is that important to us and our clients? It shows we are trying to make a difference in the world today, especially for future generations. We encourage or clients to join us in being part of the solution instead of being part of the problem.


Many of the worlds most beloved woodlands are diminishing at an alarming rate as the result of deforestation and non-sustainable logging. One of the the major culprits in this crisis is improper or, in some cases, non-existent systems of recycling.

At Indoteak Design, we are committed to providing the highest quality products while also striving to cause no harm to the environment. By properly utilizing 100% reclaimed teak salvaged from Indonesia, our production works as a zero-waste process. This means no trees are cut down as a result of our work. Instead, our wood is salvaged from 100-300 year-old structures that were slated for demolition or the landfill. This rare, beautiful wood, aged by time and the elements, is then refined without any VOC or leeching glues, ensuring the safety for your family or business.


Our materials are 100% reclaimed teak wood delivered directly from our longtime partners located in Indonesia.  We supply our reclaimed teak clean. That means no added formaldehyde and VOC-free finishes, both in the production and during the installation process. This ensures the highest-grade hardwood  without the worry of tarnish by harmful chemicals.

Teak is available in variations of rich colors and emits a warm, almost leather-like aroma. Unlike most woods, Teak holds high levels of resinous oils which keeps it from shrinking, swelling or warping. As you can see, this wood has a reputation of extravagance because the products created from teak withstand the test of time without losing any of its luster.


We are committed to being environmentally conscious and responsible and have made it our mission to protect the forests and local villages throughout Indonesia better in any possible way. Since founding IndoTeak Design, we have sustained jobs for the Indonesian Labor Force, as well as partnering with SurfAid International in alleviating human suffering regarding nutrition, sanitation, and promoting community-based solutions for the future.

By supporting and utilizing this resourceful system, you are aiding the effort in revitalizing this natural and precious wood; giving it new life in the best way possible.

For our clients who want the finest in breathtaking natural hardwood floors without putting our precious environment at risk, we thank you.  IndoTeak Design is committed to bringing you quality products hand crafted with love, care and dedication to preserving our environment.


9155 Brown Deer Road unit 4

San Diego, CA 92121

Phone: (858) 271-9801
Fax: (858) 271-9855




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