Designer Profile: San Francisco’s Benny Gold

August 1, 2016
By Jeff

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San Francisco designer Benny Gold has been quietly building a name for himself over the past decade with his iconic, self titled brand, Benny Gold. The lifelong skateboarder moved to San Francisco in 1998 after he graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design to not only find work but to be closer to some of the holiest ground for riding a skateboard. There was no shortage of jobs for the talented artist but he knew that he wanted something else, something of his own.

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Gold officially launched Benny Gold in late 2007, focusing on building his own brand in his own boutique located in the Mission District. His iconic paper plane logo with the words “Stay Gold,” are his calling card and that plus many of Golds logos have garnered attention from industry heavyweights like Nike, Eastpak and Miller Beer to name just a few. What everyone agrees on, and what makes Gold so unique is that he has never lost his way. He’s a family man, a skateboarder and a designer and treats his clients and customers with kindness and respect, something that is very important in any business.

“Having a brand that is solidly based on just putting out good items with original ideas and making it fun for people to involve themselves with the brand is a sure win.”


Ken Davis has worked with gold on many projects and he summed up Gold nicely with this quote. “His formula for success boils down to this: He started something that he’s truly passionate about and has an iron-clad group of people to work alongside that are just as dedicated to growing. He’s a really accessible person and is really grateful for what has come his way. People pick up on that, and in an environment where streetwear brands can breed ego, monotony and pretension, having a brand that is solidly based on just putting out good items with original ideas and making it fun for people to involve themselves with the brand is a sure win.”

It’s that kind of commitment to work, people and passion that makes Benny Gold our featured designer of the month.



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